Annette Brown appointed to Scranton city council

In a special meeting of the Scranton city council held on August 14, Annette Brown was appointed to fill a vacancy on the council. She fills the seat left open by the resignation of Jeremiah Geisler.

At the Aug. 8 monthly meeting of the council, the sale of city owned land was approved. Raymond Gregory submitted the only bid for $750.

Jim Pepples addressed the council regarding the desire of some residents to raise chickens inside the city limits. Other communities allow small fowl. He noted some 4-H members enjoy raising the birds.

Council members replied they will do some research and continue the discussion in the future.

Fall clean-up was considered. A tentative date was set for Sept. 30 but the garbage company must be in agreement. 

An update on the lack of a post office in Scranton was provided. It was stated USPS is not interested in the former Heritage Insurance (McDonald Insurance) office that was recently vacated. 

It is hoped that work rebuilding the shelter house at the school park destroyed by fire more than a year ago will begin soon. Volunteers and the Scranton fire department will assist in the project. ~courtesy of The Scranton Journal

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